Basic Settings

The following options are available by going to Settings > Basic

Currency Symbol

What currency symbol, if any, should be displayed with the price? Leave blank for none.

Currency Symbol Location

Should the currency symbol, if specified using the Currency Symbol option above, be displayed before or after the price?

Sale Mode

Should all products be put on sale (‘All’), no products be on sale (‘None’), or sale prices be shown only for selected products (‘Individual’)?

Thumbnail Support

If available, should the thumbnail version of images be used on the main catalog pages? This can be useful if you have many (large) images and want to help reduce page load time.

Maintain Filtering

Should filtering be maintained when clicking the back button after viewing a product page? (May cause redirect issues if catalog is placed on homepage.)

Social Media Options

Which social media links should be displayed on the product page? Available options are: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Email

Set Access Role

Who should have access to the “Ultimate Product Catalog” admin menu? (Roles of contributor or higher will still be able to see the Products/Catalogs/Categories/Tags menus, but will not be able to edit the items [similar to how it works for the default post types in WordPress]).

Catalog Color

Set the color of the layout tabs and border elements.

Disable Auto-Adjust Thumbnail Heights

By default, the height of all product thumbnails is automatically adjusted to the height of the tallest one. This prevents rows with odd numbers of products, products not starting on the left, etc. This option allows you to disable this feature.

Sub-Category Style

Should categories and sub-categories be arranged hierarchically or be grouped?

Read More

In the ‘Details’ layout, should the product description be cutoff if it’s long?

Characters in Details Description

Set maximum number of characters in product description in the ‘Details’ layout

Show Catalog Information

Should the name or description of the catalog be shown above the catalog?

Show Category Descriptions

Should the descriptions of product categories be shown below the category headings in the catalog?

Display Category Image

Should the category image be displayed on the main catalog page?

Display Sub-Category Image

Should the sub-category image be displayed in the sidebar on the main catalog page?

Display Categories in Thumbnails

Should the category and sub-category associated with a product be displayed in the product listing on the catalog page?

Display Tags in Thumbnails

Should the tags associated with a product be displayed in the product listing on the catalog page?

Should external product links open in a new window?

Tag Logic

Gives users the option to use multiple tags at the same time in filtering (select the ‘OR’ option for this)

Disable Price Filtering

Should price filtering be hidden from the catalog sidebar?

Disable Slider Filter Text Inputs

Should slider filter text inputs be disabled, preventing users from adjusting the min/max values by text?

Catalog Overview Mode

When the catalog page first loads, should visitors see an overview of the categories instead of all products?

Select which portions of a product should be searched when using the text search box? Custom fields search can take significantly longer to return results.

‘Clear All’ Option

Should an option be added to the top of sidebar to clear all filtering options?

Hide Empty Filtering Options

Should filtering options that would no longer display any results be hidden?

Which breadcrumbs, if any, should display on the product page?

Extra Elements

Select elements to be displayed on each product page.

Disable Product Page Price

Should the price be hidden on the product page?