Premium Settings

The following options are available by going to Settings > Premium

FAQ Display Style

Which theme should be used to display the FAQs?

Number of Columns

In how many columns would you like your FAQs displayed?

Responsive Columns

If you have more than one column, would you like them to be responsive? If this option is disabled, the number of columns will remain the same on all screen sizes.

Reveal Effect

How should FAQs be displayed when their titles are clicked?

FAQs Per Page

How many FAQs should be displayed on each page? (Leave blank to display all FAQs.)

FAQ Page Type

If there are multiple pages of FAQs, should they be distinct pages with pagination, loaded in place via a “Load More” button or loaded in place via infinite scroll?

FAQ Ratings

Should visitors be able to up-vote or down-vote FAQs, to let others know if they found them helpful?

Should an SEO-friendly permalink structure be used for the link to the FAQ?

Disable Front-Page Canonical Redirects

Should canonical redirects be disabled for the front page of your site? Only necessary if you’re using the plugin on your homepage and have pretty permalinks enabled.

FAQ Auto Complete Titles

Should the FAQ titles auto complete when using the FAQ search shortcode or block?

FAQ Slug Base

This option can be used to change the slug base for all FAQ posts. Be sure to go to “Settings” -> “Permalinks” in the WordPress sidebar and hit “Save Changes” to avoid 404 errors.

Social Media Options

Should social sharing icons be added to each FAQ? If so, select which you want.


Info about the WooCommerce integaration can be found here.

WP Forms

Info about the WPForms integaration can be found here.

Allow Proposed Answer

When using the submit question shortcode or block, should users be able to propose an answer to the question they’re submitting?

Submit Custom Fields

When using the submit question shortcode or block, should users be able to fill in custom fields for the question they’re submitting? File type custom fields cannot be submitted for security reasons.

Submit Question Captcha

When using the submit question shortcode or block, should a captcha field be added to the form to reduce the volume of spam FAQs?

Default Category

Which category should submitted questions default to?

Admin Question Notification

Should an email be sent to the site administrator when a question is submitted?

FAQ Submitted Thank You E-mail

You can use the Ultimate WP Mail plugin to create a custom email that is sent whenever an FAQ is submitted.

FAQ Elements Order

Info about FAQ ordering can be found here.