ultimate-faqs Shortcode

You can add your FAQs to a page using the following shortcode:


To use this shortcode on the page edit screen, just click the + button and add a new shortcode block to the page. Then write or paste in the above shortcode.

Gif of adding the shortcode


The ultimate-faqs shortcode takes the following attributes:

post_count The number of FAQs to display. Don’t use this attribute if you want to display them all.

include_category Specify which categories you want to include. It will only display FAQs from these categories. Takes a comma-separated list of category slugs. e.g.: my-first-category,my-second-category

exclude_category Specify which categories you want to exclude. It will display all FAQs except those from these categories. Takes a comma-separated list of category slugs. e.g.: my-first-category,my-second-category

include_category_ids Specify which categories you want to include by ID. It will only display FAQs from these categories. Takes a comma-separated list of category IDs.

exclude_category_ids Specify which categories you want to exclude by ID. It will display all FAQs except those from these categories. Takes a comma-separated list of category slugs.

include_tag Specify which tags you want to include. It will only display FAQs from these tags. Takes a comma-separated list of tag slugs. e.g.: my-first-tag,my-second-tag

include_category_children If using the include_category attribute, then setting this to “yes” will include sub-categories in the displayed FAQs as well. Please note that, if you have the same FAQs in multiple sub-categories, this could mean they will display more than once on your FAQ page.

display_all_answers Settings this to “yes” will make it so that, if you are using the FAQ Toggle feature, all FAQs start toggled open. Please note that this cannot be used with the FAQ Accordion feature as that is designed to display only FAQ at a time.

orderby This attribute is used to specify the sort order of the FAQs when the page loads. Available options are: title, date, popular or rating

order This attribute is used to set whether you want the sort order (for the option chosen using the orderby attribute) to be ascending or descending. Accepted values are: ASC or DESC

no_comments Setting this to “yes” will disable comments for the FAQs.


[ultimate-faqs post_count="20" include_category="giraffes,elephants" exclude_category_ids="34,68" display_all_answers="yes" orderby="name" order="ASC" no_comments="yes"]