The following options are available by going to Settings > Basic
Custom CSS
In this space, you can add custom CSS styles to your order tracking pages. For more info, see here.
Order Information Displayed
Choose which elements you would like to display on the tracking results page.
Hide Blank Fields
Should fields which don’t have a value (e.g. customer name, custom fields) be hidden if they’re empty?
Form Instructions
The instructions that will display above the order tracking form.
Date/Time Format
The format to use when displaying dates. Possible options can be found here.
Order Email Frequency
How often should emails be sent to customers about the status of their orders? More info about notifications can be found here.
Disable AJAX Reloads
By default, AJAX is used to display tracking results without reloading the page. Toggling on this option disables that feature?
New Window
Should tracking results open in a new window? (Doesn’t work with AJAX reloads.)
Display Print Button
Should a Print button be added to tracking form results, so that visitors can print their order information more easily?
Email Verification
Do visitors need to also enter the email address associated with an order to be able to view order information?
Google Maps API Key
If you’re displaying a map of your order locations (using the Tracking Map checkbox in the Order Information setting above), Google requires an API key to use their maps. Get an API key.
Status Tracking URL
The URL of your tracking page. Required if you want to include a tracking link in your message body, on the WooCommerce order page, etc.
Use WP Timezone
By default, the timestamp on status updates uses your server’s timezone. Enabling this will make it display (in the admin and on the front-end tracking page) using the timezone you have set in your WordPress General Settings instead.