To create or edit locations, which you can then assign to orders, go to the Locations area of the Settings page. Here you will see a table with all your existing locations as well as a button to add a new one.
The process is the same to add or edit a location. You need to fill in the following for each:
- Name: The name you want to give to your location.
- Latitude: Input the coordinates of the latitude of your location (e.g. 34.090670). This will allow it to show on the tracking map, if you’re using that feature.
- Longitude: Input the coordinates of the latitude of your location (e.g. -118.327278). This will allow it to show on the tracking map, if you’re using that feature.
When you’re done creating/editing your locations, make sure to click the Save Changes button to save your changes.
To set the location for an order, go to the order edit screen and use the Location dropdown to select which you want. For more info, see here.