Premium Settings

The following options are available by going to Settings > Premium

Set Access Role

Who should have access to the Order Tracking admin menu?

Status Tracking Graphic

Which tracking graphic should be displayed, if the graphic is being used for your orders.

Customer Notes Email

What email, if any, should be sent to the administrator when the customer note on an order is updated?

Customer Order Email

What email, if any, should be sent to the administrator when there is a new submission via the customer order form?

Allow Customer Downloads

Should customers be able to download all of the information on their orders as a CSV file?

Allow Sales Rep Downloads

Should sales reps be able to download all of the information on their orders as a CSV file?

Default Order Status

What status, if any, should an order be set to after when a customer submits one via the customer order form?

Allow Sales Rep Selection

Should an option to choose a sales rep be included in the customer order form?

Assign Orders to Customers

With this enabled, orders submitted using the customer order form will be automatically assigned to a customer based on their email address.

Order Number Prefix

Specify a prefix for the auto-generated order number for orders created using the customer order form.

Order Number Suffix

Specify a suffix for the auto-generated order number for orders created using the customer order form.

Default Sales Rep

Choose a default sales rep for all orders created using the customer order form (if not using the above option to enable sales rep selection).