
Go to the Orders page in plugin admin area to find all of your Orders.

Screenshot of the Order Tracking Orders tab

Here you will see an overview of all your orders, including the order number, order name, order status, customer notes and updated date. If you have many orders, the list may be broken up into multiple pages.

You can sort the orders by number, name, status or updated date simply by clicking the column heading. You can also search for an order number or filter the orders by a specific status or time period.

To edit an order, just click on the word Edit under the order number. You can also delete an order in this same place.

The Hide option removes the order from this list. This helps to keep your list organized if you have orders that are complete, but that you need to keep for some reason. To show hidden orders, just toggle on the Include Hidden Orders switch above the table.

To create a new order, click the Add New button at the top.