Display Reviews Block

The name of the Gutenberg block is Display Reviews. It can be found in its own category/section called Ultimate Reviews. Alternatively, when you add a new block, you can just search for review or Display Reviews and add that block to the page.

Gif of adding the Display Reviews block

You will see several options in the right sidebar:

  • Number of Reviews: Specify the number of reviews you would like to display.
  • Product Name: Specify the name of the product for which you want to show reviews. If left blank, it will show reviews for all products.
  • Include Category: Specify which categories you want to include. It will only display reviews from these categories. Takes a comma-separated list of category slugs. e.g.: my-first-category,my-second-category
  • Exclude Category: Specify which categories you want to exclude. It will display all reviews except those from these categories. Takes a comma-separated list of category slugs. e.g.: my-first-category,my-second-category
  • Include Specific Review IDs: Choose specific reviews to show. It will only display these reviews. Takes a comma-separated list of review IDs. e.g.: 123,223,323
  • Exclude Specific Review IDs: Choose specific reviews to not show. It will display all reviews except these. Takes a comma-separated list of review ID. e.g.: 123,223,323

You can find the ID of a review by going to the Reviews page and clicking on a review. The ID will show in your browser’s address bar. (It’s the same way you would find the ID of a regular post in WordPress.)

Gif of finding a review ID